Day One
Scripture: Ephesians 1:13, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 4:23
Thoughts for Day One:
As we kick-off the Rise Up Commitment, it is important we are aware and know the Lord desires we be transformed. As we will later see, the Lord desires we be sanctified, or set apart and transformed, in EVERY area of our lives – spirit (or our thought life), soul (our emotions), and body. He desires we allow His Spirit, which is given to us once we declare Jesus as Lord and Savior {see Ephesians 1:13}, to lead, guide, and transform the way we think. This transformation, as Romans 12:2 states, allows us to learn God’s will for us, which is good, pleasing and perfect – as we continue to align our thoughts with God’s Word.
Approaching week one of the commitment, I pray we are open and willing to allow the Lord to reveal to us where we currently are. Where do we find ourselves on the journey of faith to wholeness? Where do we find ourselves in relation to allowing our entire being – spirit, soul, and body – to authentically be transformed?
Prayer: Lord, I pray on this first day of the Rise Up Commitment, our hearts and minds are eager and waiting to receive a fresh or revived revelation of Your word and truth. Help us to prepare for the days and weeks to come, by beginning today to transform our thoughts. May hearts assume a humble posture, ready to receive that which You are ready to share with us. Beginning with our thought life, Holy Spirit, begin to change our patterns. Thoughts related to what it means to be wholly sanctified. Patterns in our lives around reading Your Word, eating in a healthier way, and moving our bodies to make stronger the vessels in which You reside. Thank You Jesus for Your faithfulness and desire to bless us with this understanding. In Your Name we pray, amen.
Connect: You're encouraged to first capture your prayer around today's devotion. Then, share with someone you are close with one key thought that stuck out to you.
We are officially kicking off the Rise Up Commitment today! I pray you have been praying and begin this journey with GREAT EXPECTATION for what the Lord is about to do.